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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Friday 6th March


Today we are going to be solving word problems on volume of water in litres, involving addition and subtraction.


Today we are going to be visualising the whole story of 'The Tin Forest'. We are going to be thinking about the images that we can see for each section of the text and then creating a story board based on our own visualisations. Have a look at the story board below. Read each section of text and draw the image that you can see as you read.


Today we are going to be thinking about the spelling rules for adding -ment and -ness to root words.

Play the game of suffix bingo below. Once you've created all of your words, have a go at putting them into sentences about the crayons.


On Tuesday you designed a crayon outfit for Purple Crayon to wear in Asia. Purple Crayon has gone to South Asia and wore the outfit in the tropical climate (hot hot hot!). Have a look below at what happened to her outfit...




Still image for this video


Still image for this video

You are going to evaluate your outfit design. 


Think about:

  • was it easy to move in?
  • was it comfortable?
  • did it last well?
  • what happened to it?
  • why do you think this happened?


Fill in the evaluation form below.