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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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This week in the story, there is a protest at Buckingham Palace about the rights for yetis and why they should be protected. In today's lesson, we're going to think about what people would do and take to a protest and then you're going to have a go at making your own placard. In school, we're doing this with black paint and cardboard but you could do it with whatever you have at home.


Please send pictures and videos of you doing this activity! 



Take a look at the news reports below and see what you notice is similar and different between them all - this week you're going to be writing a news report and then you're going to film yourself presenting the news to tell me all about the yeti protection protest at Buckingham Palace. 


Live on Teams at 1pm today rather than 1.30pm! 


Today, we're going to think about beginning to write the script for your news report. As you discovered yesterday, news reporters need to be quite formal and they really need to make sure they include all 5 of the questions in their short introduction. Today, we're going to think about our introductions:


- Where are you?

- Who are you?

- What is happening?

- Why is it happening?

- When is this taking place?


We'll discuss these questions on the live lesson, and then I'd like you to complete the below activity to make a plan for what you're going to write. In the live lesson, we'll also discuss facts and opinions - we need to ensure we're not being biased in our report and keeping it factual. We're also going to look at conjunctions to join our sentences together rather than answering each question individually with a really short and simple answer. You can find the slides from the lesson below and the SPAG activity where you need to use conjunctions in your note form answers to the questions.



Today, you're going to focus on the interview part of your news report. Now we have wrote an introduction which includes all 5 of the W questions, we need to ask somebody from the audience some questions. We need to ask open questions rather than closed questions so we get more detail. We'll talk about the difference between these two types on the live lesson. You're then going to choose 3 questions, write the questions and write the answers which the person you're interviewing is going to say.


Then, you need to wrap your news report up. In this, you need to tell us what will happen next and end it with 'Back to the studio'...


Looking forward to seeing what you write in these! You're going to film them tomorrow!



Today, I'd like you to film your news reports! Make yourself a microphone, get some teddies or a family member to hold your placard and read your script. Remember what you learnt when looking at the example reports earlier in the week - moving your hands, staying calm and not talking too fast. Send these over as I'd love to see them!! You can see Lucy's below as an example! 

Lucy's report

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