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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Spring 2

On the farm

This half term we will be sharing stories and finding out all about farms. We will be learning about different farm animals, the jobs farmers do and also what plants  grow on a farm.  We will be singing different farm and  spring time related songs, the first one being, Old MacDonald had a farm of course! 

Pigs in Mud


After reading the pig in the Pond story we talked about where we normally find pigs.... on the farm or in mud! The children created their own pigs in mud paintings.

Threading Skills


The children practiced their fine motor skills. They threaded ribbon around a pig template and also coloured in the pig.

Five Little Ducks


The children have learnt the five little duck number rhyme. They used props to act out the number rhyme. The children also practiced their counting skills to see how many ducks were left after each verse.

Five Little Ducks Display

Shrove Tuesday


As it was pancake day we had to make our own pancakes. The children helped to make the batter and then watched the adult fry the pancakes. The children tasted the pancakes and they thought they were delicious.


Animals and their Young


The children learnt about animals we may see on the farm. The children named the animals and then learnt the names of the animal's young. The children had fun trying to make all of the animal noises too!

Singing with Mr Wears


Mr Wears came to visit and we sang lots of farm related songs. We sang Old Macdonald which is our song of the half term, Spring Chicken, Chick Chick Chick Chicken and Five Little Ducks. The children sang their hearts out.

We created a lovely display of the work that we completed throughout the week. Have a look:

Farmer Paintings


The children learnt to mix paints using paint blocks and water.The children looked at picture of farmers and then had a go at painting a farmer.

Tractor Tyre Tracks


The children love getting messy! The children explores the tracks they could make in the mud with a tractor. They then painted this onto paper.

Farmer Duck Writing


The children discussed the key characters and events in the story. The children then drew and wrote about Farmer ducks and the jobs that he did. We were concentrating on hearing and writing initial sounds of words.

Tractor Shape Pictures 


The children talked about the different 2D shapes that they knew. we looked for these shapes in the environment. After this we used a range of 2D shapes to be able to create a tractor picture.

We made a Farmer Duck display. Take a look:

Our Outdoor Role Play


We have created a farm role play outside. The children pretend to feed the animals carrots and grass. The children can also have a pony ride!

British Science Week


We have been learning about the natural world and now things grow and change over time. We have experiemented by digging in the soil and also planting flowers seeds.

We also learnt about seeds and planted some cress seeds. Once they have grown we will taste them to see if we like them.

We learnt about seeds and what they need to grow. We dissected a melon and talked about what we found.

We read the book The Tiny Seed. We learnt that flowers grow from seeds. We then used colour blocks to mix new paint colours and then we used them to paint pictures of flowers.

Some duck eggs had hatched in a different classroom at Westwood. As we were learning about animals and farms, the ducklings came to visit. The children show a high level of care and concerns for the ducklings when they visited.

We have also been building up the strength in our bodies. Everyday we take part in dough disco. The children love it!

    What the Ladybird Heard.

Counting Animals


After read the 'What The Ladybird Heard' story we had to make sure that all the animals were still in their pens. We used our counting skills to count the animals on the farm.

Mother's Day 


To celebrate Mother's Day the children made a card to give to someone special. The children wrote their name inside the card.

Mini mash


The children have been improving their ICT skills. The children have dragged images to create a farm scene.