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Westwood Primary School

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KS1: Finding Finn

In Key Stage One, they are on a school trip to the edge of the reef. They thought it would be fun to play a game of hide and seek with all their fish friends, but Finn is far too good at hiding and they can’t find him. They go and tell the teacher but even she can’t find him. They need to send out a search party. Can they find Finn?

The children loved exploring under the sea. At one point they met a jellyfish and found out about where they lived so write a description of their habitat.

The children discovered that jellyfish have dangerous stings so write instructions for how to deal with this if it were to occur.

The children were keen to learn about other sea animals, so they looked more at seals. They produced a drawing of one in art and then wrote descriptions of where they like to live.

After finding out about the damage caused to the oceans from plastic pollution, the children looked into how plastic straws are being phased out in favour of cardboard ones. They first completed a scientific investigation to work out which material would work best for a straw.

To celebrate the end of their adventure, the children went on a trip to The Deep to see for themselves all the animals they had been learning about. After their visit they wrote recounts of what had happened.