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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Can you send us photos of your snowmen so we can make a snowman gallery?? 
Can’t wait to see yours!!!
This is Mrs Norton’s snowman, Martin!! 

Hello Nursery! Hope you're having a lovely week. As always, if you’ve got any questions please email or ask via tapestry. 


Number recognition and counting

(Resources: paper, colouring pencils, pegs, a pen)

This activity is really good for number recognition and counting. So have a look at the video and see what you need to do. Can you find some pegs in your house and write the numbers 1 to 5 on them. Then can you help your grown up make a dinosaur and some spots to put onto the dinosaur. Then what you need to do is put some spots onto the dinosaur. Can you then count the spots and with the help of an adult, find the peg with the correct number on it. Keep going until you have done all numbers 1 to 5 and if you are feeling extra clever, have a go at numbers 1 to 6. Good luck and I can't wait to see what you've been up to. 

Number recognition and counting

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Playdough and pasta dinosaur 

(Resources: playdough and different shaped pasta)

This activity is lots of fun and you can use the playdough that you made for Mrs Kitching’s activity on Monday. All I’d like you to do is make a dinosaur or lots of different dinosaurs using pasta and playdough. You can even make different patterns and shapes when you press the pasta into the playdough. For the dinosaur, can you roll out your playdough to the size you’d like. Then have a look in your cupboards at home to see if you’ve got some pasta. I found some spirals, some fusilli and some spaghetti in my cupboards. I then had a look at some of the pictures from Mrs Kitching’s activity on Monday and made my own dinosaurs. Have a look and see what you can make. I can’t wait to see them!

Ice decoration 

(Resources: water, plants and leaves, string, sellotape) 

As the weather is so cold at the moment and every morning there is frost, I wondered if you could make an ice decoration. All you need to do on your daily walk is find some leaves or plants and things. When you get back home, find a circular flat bowl and sellotape some string to it. Then put your different leaves in the bowl and fill it with water. Then you can either put it in the freezer or leave it outside and wait until the morning to see if it has frozen over. Then when it’s frozen, you can take it out of the bowl and hang it somewhere in your garden. Enjoy! 

Ice decoration

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Hanging the ice up

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