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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Hi everybody, hope you are all keeping well. We are very much enjoying seeing your work on Tapestry and all the top effort that has been put in do doing it. Please watch the first part of the story of 'The Dinosaur that pooped a Pirate'. Then design your own pirate ship for the pirate dinosaur and Danny to sail to Skull Island in. Try to label it and make it original. 

The dinosaur that pooped a pirate

Still image for this video

Design a pirate ship

Still image for this video


Today in phonics we are exploring the special friends 'sh'. 'Sh - says the horse to the hissing snake'. Go on a hunt around the house for things beginning with 'sh'. Watch the red and green word videos. Practise writing the 'sh' sounds in play dough or with paint. 

Sh - says the horse

Still image for this video

Green words sh sounds

Still image for this video

Red Words 2

Still image for this video

Make a junk modelling Pirate Ship

From your design above can you make a junk modelling pirate ship for Danny and the Dinosaur. There are some ideas below but really you can use any junk materials you have in the house that are safe. Have a look at the ones below - maybe you can paint yours and make a flag or maybe you might even explore if it floats in the bath. 


Paint or draw  your own di / dice using an old cardboard box or cube shaped object. Write or paint dots one to six onto it. 


Playing Roll and Count

Roll the dice and get your child to say the number of lands on. 
Can they find the same number or objects that are the same?

Can they do the same number of jumps?

Can they spot the numeral in the house?

Can they draw , write or paint the numeral?