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Westwood Primary School

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Upper KS2: A Term at Hogwarts

In Upper Key Stage Two, they travelled to Hogwarts to spend the term as Witches and Wizards. In Sycamore class they first imagineered that they were in Hogwarts Great Hall. They were then chosen one-by-one to be sorted into their new house by the sorting hat.

The children then found out that they were going to write diary entries of their experience going to Hogwarts. They imagineered meeting two friends, Ron and Hermione, and describing the Hogwarts castle and the Great Hall.

Using all this information, they wrote their diary entries.

In Sycamore, the children completed their first flying lesson outside by imagineering flying on a broomstick using hockey sticks. They then knew what made a good broomstick so designed their own including description around their drawing.

Including their description and work on including a quote, the children wrote persuasive adverts encouraging fellow Witches and Wizards to buy their new and improved broomstick.

In Willow, they completed some outdoor and active learning to play a game of Quidditch. The children took on the different roles like in the game in Harry Potter and even flew on ‘broomsticks’.

The children then used this as inspiration to write a newspaper article of the first Quidditch match at Hogwarts. In order to do so, they watched video clips, read these pages from the books before summarising them and completed SPAG work on using inverted commas and passive voice.

In Willow, they also took part in their first potions lesson. They first were able to explore the different ingredients that they could use. They then designed their very own potion. They had to say what their potion was called, what it did and what it was made from. Then in their houses, they made a ‘house’ potion using all the different equipment and ingredients.

After making the potions, the children wrote sets of instructions for how to create one.