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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Activity 1: 

Go on a shape hunt around your house.

  • What shapes have you found?
  • Can you group them based on their number of sides and vertices? 
  • Can you organise them into shapes that have lines of symmetry and those that do not?



Activity 2:

Ask you parent/carer for a handful of coins.

  • What coins have you got?
  • How much money do you have?

set up a shop using objects around your house. Put prices tags on them (1p, 10p, 12p etc.)

  • What objects can you buy?
  • Can you make the correct money out of the coins you have?
  • What change might you need?


Activity 3:

Find a mirror in your house to help you practice your 2 times tables. Stand in front of the mirror and go through the questions (count your finger/s and the one/s in the mirror for the answer):

1x2 (put 1 finger up )

2x2 (put 2 fingers up )

3x2 (put 3 fingers up )

and so on all the way up to 10. Get creative and go further using your toes!


Activity 4:




Activity 5:

Create a giant snakes and ladders on the path or somewhere safe outside. Instead of writing 1-30 fill in the boxes with your 2 times tables. Don't forget to draw on some snakes and ladders too. When you roll the dice (you can easily make this from an old box or some card) times the number by two and jump that many places. Whichever number you land on divide it by 2 and shout out your answer. e.g. if you land on a number 6, you will divide it by 2 and shout out 3!

Activity 6:

Make a timetable of your day focusing on the time. Each hour write down what you have done/ are doing. Here is a template below to help you. Remember to think about where the hour hand is pointing and where the minute hand is pointing (ask an adult to help you with this).

Activity 7:

Activity 8:

Make a giant phone using paper or chalk outside. Ask someone to call out different maths questions, they could be addition (17+24), subtraction (35-9) or you could practice you times tables. Once you've worked out the answer you must jump on the correct numbers.

Activity 9:

How many rooms are in your house? Run round and count all of the rooms. How many rooms would there be if you had 2 identical houses? What about 5? what about 10? How many windows are in your house? How many windows would you have if you only had half of this number? How many doors are there? Can you shut 1/3 of the doors? Can you open 1/4 of the windows?

Activity 10:

Create your own board game! Find a big piece of paper or cardboard and sketch out your game (like the one below). Section it off into squares. Write numbers, dares or actions in each square. Decide on your rules. Test it out!

Activity 11

Today its time to get measuring. Don't worry if you don't have a ruler, get creative. Use bananas, tins, toilet rolls or whatever you have to spare. Measure the things on the list below and write down how many of your chosen object long they are.


  1. bed
  2. table
  3. window
  4. bath
  5. sink
  6. wardrobe


Once you've measured them all its time to compare.


  1. which is the longest?
  2. which is the shortest?
  3. how much longer/shorter is the bed than the bath?
  4. how much longer/shorted is the sink than the table?
  5. what is the difference in length between the bed and the sink?



Activity 12:

Today we are going to look at arrays. You need to find 20 objects (they don't have to be the same). Find as many ways as you can to arrange the 20 objects so that each row has an equal amount. 


Look at my example below.

I have 5 rows and they all have 4 in them. So I know that 5x4=20


Can you write a number sentence for your arrays?


Now try with different amounts of objects-

  1. 10
  2. 15
  3. 30
  4. 18
  5. 12

Activity 13

Do you have some spare balloons lying around from someones birthday (don't worry if not, make yourself some paper aeroplanes). Blow up your ballon and let it fly across the room. Using sticks (collected on your walk) measure how far your balloon or aeroplane has flown.


Balloons questions:

  1. does it go further if you blow more air into it?
  2. does it go further if you hold it higher when you let go?


Aeroplane questions:

  1. does a bigger aeroplane go further?
  2. what material did you make your plane from?  Try others (card, paper, fabric) which material goes further?

Activity 14

Today you are going to use nature to do you times tables. Collect sticks, stones, leaves, grass, flowers anything you can find. Use the sticks to make a times sign and an equals sign. Using the other objects you collected make the numbers (2 stone=2, 3 leaves= 3)

Activity 15

Today you're going to start to tell the time! You'll need to make yourself a giant clock like the one below. You can use anything to make the circle- string, skipping rope, hula hoop, toy bricks etc. Find two sticks one long (minute hand) and one short (hour hand). Practice setting the clock to different times. Ask someone to help you- get them to set the clock to show different hours, can you work out what they are? Now make these times on your clock:


5 o'clock

7 o'clock

10 o'clock

4 o'clock


Challenge yourself- (tip- remember the minute hand doesn't point at the 12 anymore)


half past 6

half past 4

half past 9

half past 2

Maths No Problem 

Maths No Problem have given at home access. Children can continue with their maths workbooks at home as well as access the textbooks to show them how to work it out. Please follow the instructions in the email you have been sent to set up your child's access.