We know from yesterday's work that volume means how much of something there is and we measured the volume of water in a measuring beaker. Today we are introduced to a new word which is capacity- this means how much a container can hold.
For today's task it is very similar to yesterday however, each line shows 50 ml whereas each line showed 10ml yesterday, don't let this trick you! count up in 50's until you reach the line where the water is and that is your answer! Complete the GP and workbook sheet.
From today we will be starting our skill for the week! Our skill this week is visualisation. Visualisation is when we make a picture in our heads, we think about what we can imagine hearing, smelling, touching and seeing. Your first job is to read the extract from 'The boy in the dress' whilst you're reading constantly make mental images. Then you can chose your activity for the day. Remember to only chose one so that by the end of the week you have completed all of them.
Text visualisation sheet-
For this activity you need to read the sentences taken from the text and in the box next to it, write down what you're imagining. Be as descriptive as you can and think about all of your senses.
Drawing visualisation activity-
For this activity you need to draw two images that you think of when you read this book. The pictures you draw can be anything that you think of when you read 'The boy in the dress' underneath, you need to copy parts of the text which make you think of these images.
Visualisation chapter activity-
For this activity you need to record what you imagine and picture at different times in the chapter. The start of the chapter, the middle and the end. Finally, write down how visualisation helps you when reading.
Comprehension questions-
Answer in full sentences using the text.
Today's task in writing will be to use the facts and information we collected yesterday on Charles Darwin to make a plan of what our biography is going to look like. In our biography we are going to have three sub-titles. However, we need to decide what information is going to be under each sub-title. You need to record the things you are going to include under each sub-title using the sheet below. Take your time with this activity because this is going to be a plan for when you come to write it later this week!
Firstly, watch the video on Charles Darwin. After this, read the information about Charles Darwin's journey on the HMS beagle where they found out about his theory of evolution and natural selection. Then, on the map you need to plot the journey by putting a dot on each of the points he stopped at. Finally, choose three of the places he stopped at and research some facts about that place.