Thursday 7th January
Thursday 7th January 2021
Good morning! It was lovely to see most of you virtually yesterday and thank you for the work I received back, it's all looking brilliant.
Just a note: if you did the science challenge or the DT challenge over the Christmas holidays, please send it to me so I can pass it onto Mrs Gray (DT), and me and Mrs Burke would love to see your science challenges!
Guided Reading (10.30am)
Today, we'll be looking at voice 2 and trying to think about which character could be telling the story now. Who did you think voice 1 was? Could it maybe have been mum? Today we'll be thinking about one of the characters. In the live lesson, I'll read voice 2 to you and we'll think about Smudge's dad. We'll look at what we know about him and what we can infer about him. Then, like we did last half term with Lila in the Firework-Maker's daughter, I want you to fill out a role on the wall for him - remember everything we definitely know about the character goes INSIDE and everything you are inferring but aren't told exactly goes on the OUTSIDE.
Adventure (anytime)
Below I have attached a video which shows a step by step guide of how to make a 3D model on Purple Mash. Today, I'd like you to have a go at turning your design of a skyscraper from yesterday into an actual 3D model! Follow my guide below, it might be a good idea to watch me, pause me and then have a go at that bit on your own, and then play me again and so on. If you need your Purple Mash login, please let me know. You can access Purple Mash on either a computer, tablet or phone. You don't need to send me your work on Purple Mash - I automatically see it all when you click save.
Writing (1pm)
In writing this afternoon, we'll be looking at finishing off your descriptions of New York City. In the live lesson, I'll be talking about commas in a list and I'll remind you of when and how we have to use them. Then, there is a little activity for you to have a go at where you need to add commas in. After that, I'd like you to continue with your description and try and get it finished today. Remember to tell me what you can see, hear, smell and taste. Remember cursive handwriting if you can and to try really hard with spellings.
Maths (9am)
From today, you'll be back in your maths classes - so if you're in Mr Hayes class, click ELDER to access his home learning, Miss Robertshaw's class, click OAK to access her home learning and my class or Mrs Thompson's class, stay here!
Today, we'll be looking at number patterns again and thinking about what we notice about the numbers when they increase or decrease. In the live lesson, I'll show you some examples using the equipment and we'll work through a few together. Then, you need to have a go at the attached sheets. Remember you could use objects around your house to help you represent the numbers.
Voice 2

Adventure - use Computer Aided Design to build your skyscraper