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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Parental Involvement

Coronation picnic

Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th May 2023  


It was great to welcome our parents and carers into nursery this week to join us for a play and picnic.  

The classroom was busy as children made flags, decorated biscuits and made sandwiches.  They then took them outside to enjoy a picnic with their friends.  We had  was a really lovely afternoon, so thank you all parents and carers that came and joined in, it means so much to our children. 

Thank you. 

Soup making 

We had lots of fun making our soup so our parents could taste it when they came in this afternoon. We used peelers to peel the carrots and potatoes and knives to cut up the celery and onion. We then added salt, chopped tomatoes and some vegetable stock. It tasted so yummy and the children couldn’t wait to show their parents. 

History Fair

We have had a brilliant time working towards the history mark and holding our own history day. Each year group set up a stall in the hall for parents to come and have a look at so they can show off their work so far this year. Our stall is all about our history, so then and now. We have got photos of us playing with old artefact and some pictures of the teachers as babies and then now. We have enjoyed having a go at guessing who is who! We are so grateful to the parents and carers who were able to come and see what the children have been up to. 

Keep an eye out for next half term when parents and careers will be invited in for our Christmas concert. 

Christmas Singalong

Our children have enjoyed learning some Christmas songs and singing together.  We invited our parents into nursery to listen to their singing and enjoy a mince pie. Afterwards the children enjoyed playing with their grown ups in our nursery.  It was a great start to the festive season.