Summer 1: The Very Last Castle
This half term's adventure is based on the story 'The Very Last Castle'. Ibb walks past the same castle everyday but never sees anyone enter or exit. I wonder what Ibb will find when the drawbridge lowers?...
We had a visit from a very angry guard who was protecting the Very Last Castle. We asked him questions about his castle and decided that we will write him a letter to ask for his permission to enter.

In RE we have been learning about religious symbols and what they mean. We showed our learning by creating some brilliant double page spreads of facts and pictures.

Chestnut class had a lovely trip to Skipton Castle. The children learnt about the royal family who built the castle and the different features of the castle, from turrets to dark dungeons! The trip will be a basis for our recount next week!
InDT, we have been designing and making our own drawbridges. The children evaluated their product and make changes throughout the process.




In Music, we have been continuing our learning with charanga. We have practiced keeping a steady pulse and learnt a new song.

