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Westwood Primary School

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Maths - matching buttons

You did some great sorting yesterday so today we are going to think about matching.  For things to match they need to be the same.     

Which of these glasses match? 


Yes, the two tall plain glasses match because they are the same.


Now look at the buttons, which of these match? 

Can you say why they match?   They are the same because...

Now, have another look at the buttons you used yesterday, can you find the buttons that match?


If you cannot print off the buttons I have used, don't worry, you could make some to play with.  We'd love to see if you'd made any buttons  that  match.  Remember to share what you are doing with us on Tapestry or by email

Matching buttons

Still image for this video

Sensory Swamp

Tyrannosaurus Drip didn't  belong with the meat eating dinosuars did he? 

He found out that  he really belonged with the duckbilled dinosuars who were vegetarian and only ate plants.  He likes to be in the swamp where he could eat, grasses, reeds and weeds.  


Have a go at creating a swamp and explore the gloop by making marks with your fingers or a stick.  You could add grass, leaves, sticks etc and let your toys explore the swamp.  

To make gloop, cornflour is the best , just add water a few drops at a time until it is right.   If you don't have cornflour,  use a  couple of tablespoons of plain flour with some water  ( and green food colouirng)


Just mix it until it becomes gloopy and thick, but runny enough to move when a finger is traced through it.  Have fun!

Nursery rhyme - Incy Wincy Spider

Join in with the rhyme, listen to it a number of times to see if you can sing it all the way through on your own!  

Can you finish the lines?

Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water ................

Down came the rain and washed the spider.........

Out came the sun and dried up all the .............

So Incy Wincy spider, climbed up the spout .................

Incy wincy spider | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme, 'Incy wincy spider'.Subscribe for more Early Years clips from BBC...