Themed Days and Trips
Chestnut class had an amazing day celebrating Roalf Dahl's birthday. Have a look at some of the fabulous outfits below!

Today we went gold to raise awareness for Childhood Cancer! In Chestnut class, we have Penny who has beaten cancer herself and we are so immensely proud of her for her bravery and resilience. Go Penny!
Today was Children in Need. Have a look at our amazing Pudsey inspired outfits below!
We had a great time at the Christmas disco! We even had a special visitor who brought us each a present.
Christmas Party day! The children had a great time dancing and eating lots of delicious party food.
Today was number day and we had an amazing day with the Maths Magician. We dressed up in number clothes and raised money and awareness for the NSPCC!
It was Mental Health Awareness week and we dressed in clothes that expressed ourselves. The children created a paper chain of all their achievements, their beliefs and their dreams, we then put these together to show us ‘growing together’.
Today we went on our sponsored walk to Middleton Park to raise money for the school. After everyone in the school has done their walk, we will have walked the same distance from Middleton to the houses of Parliament. This is to celebrate the launch of Westwood's parliament.

We celebrated world book Day by dressing up as all our favourite characters. Have a look at our amazing costumes below. We did lots of activities based on the Mr Men and Little Miss stories and produced some lovely work!
This week is Science Week and we had a visit from The Royal Institute. The theme was exploding food and the children loved watching the show.


We celebrated French day today by baking pain au chocolates and creating French Easter cards. The parents came in to taste our delicious treats and see what we have been up to.

What an incredible day we have had celebrating the queen’s jubilee! The children learnt about the royal family tree and decorated ginger bread men as a member of the royal family. We then had a picnic and had horse racing in the playground.
Race 1


Break The Rules Day!!