Activities During Closure
Activities During Closure
Hi Oak Class!
I hope you're all doing okay. Bob (our class flamingo) has been a little worried that he'll be lonely now that he won't get to see you in class every day so I've decided to bring him home with me. He's asked me if we could post daily updates on our class page so you can see everything he's been up to. He's told me that he will try his best to think of a fun new activity to do everyday and then maybe you can join in too?
So check out this page every morning to see what Bob has been up to and if you can, take pictures of you doing the same things and we can show them to Bob when we make it back to school!
Stay safe and keep washing those hands!
Miss Martin
Check out these daily live lessons!
Hi Oak Class!

Week 9
Day 4 -
How can you be kind to yourself?
We often think about how we can be kind to others and what effect our behaviour has on other people. Have you ever thought about how you can be kind to yourself?
Draw some hearts on a piece of paper and write your own ideas about how you can be kind to yourself. Some ideas have been given to start you off. Once you have recorded these ideas, start to think about how you can carry out these ideas and be kind to yourself.
Day 3 -
Use these craft instructions to create your own wellbeing jar. Having things to look forward to can make you feel happier and improve your wellbeing. Each tie you think of something you would like to do in the future, write it on a piece of paper and place it inside your decorated jar.
Wellbeing Craft - Things to Look Forward to Jar
Day 2 -
All this week it is Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 and I think this is incredibly important especially with what life is like at the moment. Newsround have some great resources for this! Watch the video below and click on the link to find out more
Once you've read the newsround page, can you create a poster to advertise Mental Health Awareness Week 2020? You can use information from the website to help you!
Day 1 -
IKEA recently released loads of cool design ideas for some dens! Why not have a try and see if you can build your own?
Week 8
Day 5 -
Lots have people have taken this time to learn new skills while in lockdown! One skill that would be amazing for you to all master before we return to school would be to tie your shoelaces! Why not make your very own shoe tie practice board? Watch the 1st video which shows you how to do it. Then watch the second video which gives you different ways of how to tie your laces.
It might be a little frustrating at first but don't forget if you believe you can do it you can and you will! It would be awesome to come back to school knowing that you can tie your very own laces.
Good luck and don't give up!
Day 4 -
Now that we're allowed outside a little more, it's the perfect time to do a little wildlife spotting! Why not do some minibeast spotting and see what you can find!
Day 3 -
I'm sure you all had a good giggle at Miss Martin and I dancing around to create the Westwood video! Why not do some of your own dancing today? Go on and YouTube type in Just Dance to learn some new moves!
Day 2 -
Today is International Nurses Day! International Nurses Day is an annual celebration of the crucial work nurses do around the world. It is especially important in 2020 as they continue to lead the frontline charge against the coronavirus pandemic.
The annual event, which was first marked in 1965, was created by the International Council of Nurses to mark the hard work of nursing staff around the world. Since January 1974, the global celebrations are traditionally held on May 12. This is to mark the anniversary of the birth of nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale.
You task today is to find out who Florence Nightingale is and why she is so important to our nursing history.
Twinkl has some free resources that might help!

Day 1 -
I know one of your favourite lessons to do is science! So let's do some science today. Check out this fantastic website where you can take part in some science lessons online. Simply select the topic you would like to learn about and join in!
Why not make some notes of what you have learnt or create a poster or leaflet. You could even use the lessons to make your own science quiz for your family! Test their knowledge and show off your own.
Week 7
Day 4 -
We have a bank holiday tomorrow to celebrate VE Day! So let's make some banners and bunting to celebrate! Be British and proud with your designs and maybe hang them in your window for everyone to see. There are lots of VE Day activities you can access on Twinkl but there are also some ideas below.

Day 3 -
We have a Bank Holiday on Friday which is a little unusual! Do you know why? It's to celebrate VE Day! So let's do a little history today. Can you find out what VE Day is all about? You can present it in any way you like. A powerpoint, a poster, a leaflet, a word document.... There are lots of free resources online that you can use to help you. Check out Twinkl because there's lots on there! Why not ask your family if they know any information about it? Have fun with your project!

Day 2 -
Since we're spending so much time with our families, why not make a family tree? Do some research and see how many people you can add to your tree!

Day 1 -
Happy Star Wars Day!! There are loads of cool things we can do to celebrate Star Wars Day! Click on the link and choose what you would like to do.... May the fourth be with you!

Week 6
Day 5 -
Radio 1 recently asked lots of famous singers to sing together to help raise money for vulnerable people and the NHS while we're in lockdown. The more streams and downloads they get the more money they will raise so have a listen!
Make a list of all the singers you can spot and see if you got them correct at the end! You could even ask your family to join in and help you.
Challenge:Now plan your own celebrity sing-a-long. Who would you ask to be on it? What song would you choose?
Can you make your very own sing-a-long video?
Day 4 -
Since you created some great kitchen roll art work, you might have some cardboard tubes left over! Why not use them to make a cool sculpture? A castle, an enchanted forest, a rocket.... The possibilities are endless.

Day 3 -
Let's try another art project today! This one is really simple but really effective. Get some kitchen roll and using fine felt tips you can colour in the dots in different colours. Who knew kitchen roll could look so good.

Day 2 -
Let's try a little DT today! I don't know about you, but I ALWAYS seem to have odd socks left in my draw. So today, let's make some sock puppets. Use bits and bobs from around your house (with permission) and create some funny characters. You could even write a script and put on a play for your family!

Day 1 -
As you know, Miss Martin's favourite Disney film is The Little Mermaid! Disney recently posted a video of how to draw Ariel. Miss Martin and I are going to give it a try. Why don't you have a go too? Then see if you can find another step by step video of your favourite Disney character.
Week 5
Day 5 -
Since it's Friday... Let's get messy! Get that playdough out and see what crazy creatures you can create.
Whether you want to make your own dinosaur, elephant, car or castle, the possibilities are endless. If you haven't got any Play-Doh it's pretty simple to make your own. All you need is:
- 2 cups of plain flour
- 1 cup of salt
- 1 tablespoon of oil
- half to 1 cup of cold water
- 2 drops of liquid food colouring
Mix the flour and salt then add the water, oil and food colouring. Knead the mixture well, adding a little more flour if the consistency is too wet.
Challenge: Why not make a game out of it? Make some cards with different ideas on, then see which you get. Time yourself and see how quickly you can make it! Challenge your family to make something with you.

Day 4 -
I've got my pots and pans ready to clang tonight for the superheros that work for the NHS and everyone else who is helping us! I bet you can't be as loud as me! Speaking of superheros.... Let's create a comic today! You can use superheros that already exist or why not design your own.
Challenge: Make sure you include me! I could be a superhero, a villain or even just someone hanging out in the background.

Day 3 -
Let's do some spelling practice today with this fun alphabet game! Just pick any subject like girls' names, boys' names or even chocolate bars and you have to write one down for each letter of the alphabet. Why not challenge a member of your family to see who can complete a category the quickest? All the words must be spelt correctly to win!
Day 2 -
I've been beating Miss Martin at Monopoly lots since the lock down! Why not create your own monopoly board game? You could create a Leeds edition, or even a Middleton edition! Do some research and decided the important places you want on your board. Just remember... NO CHEATING!

Day 1 -
Let's do a history/art lesson today! We're going to learn about the artist Michelangelo and then you can try drawing like him too! Watch the video below to find out why he is such a famous artist and then follow the instructions where you can paint just like him!
Week 4
Day 4 -
It's now been a whole month since we've been at school! Just like we do in our reading lessons, can you summarise your month?
Day 3 -
Let's be pirates today! Hide some 'treasure' around your house and make a pirates map for someone to follow! Can they find your hidden treasure?

Day 2 -
I'm guessing you're starting to miss school a little bit now, I know I am! Today, why not set up your own classroom! Create a timetable for the day and teach some lessons. If you were a teacher, what would a day in your classroom look like? Why not ask your family to join in and play school with you? Create a register, set some homework, create some worksheets.
Day 1 -
Hi Oak Class! I hope you all had a lovely Easter. I'm guessing you did a lot of chocolate taste testing over the weekend, so let's put it to some good use! Can you design your dream Easter Egg? What kind of chocolate would it be? What would the egg look like? What would the packaging look like? Would it come with any extra treats? What would the name of it be? How much would it cost? Use your imagination to create an advert for your new egg ready to hit the shelves next Easter!
Week 3
Day 4 -
Let's get crafty! Make some cute Easter decorations out of a toilet roll to decorate your house with just in time for Easter.

Day 3 -
Let's do a DT lesson today! Can you design and create your very own marble run? Don't worry, you don't have to make it just for a marble! Use anything that will roll. Check out some ideas below.
Day 2 -
Let's do some maths today! Have a go at playing countdown using these different links:
Try to get as close as you can to the target using the six numbers.
You don't have to use all the numbers
You can't use the same number more than once.
Only +, -, x and ÷ allowed
OR why not set up your own countdown? Make your own number cards to turn over. Challenge your family to a game!
There are four big numbers: 25, 50, 75 and 100.
There are twenty small numbers: Two each of 1, 2, ......, 9, 10.
Day 1 -
Yesterday evening, the Queen read a speech to our country. Can you imagine you're the Queen and write your own speech? What would you have said to lift the countries spirit? Who would you have thanked?
Challenge: Once you've written your speech, why not dress up as the Queen and read it to your family? Don't forget the posh voice!
Week 2
Day 5 -
This gloomy weather has got be thinking about going somewhere warm and sunny on holiday! Can you imagine you're on your dream holiday and write me a postcard? Where are you? What have you done there? What have you eaten? How many different flavoured ice creams have you tried? Be creative and have fun dreaming of your perfect holiday!
Day 4 -
Let's do some science today! Watch the video below to grow your very own rainbow.
Day 3 -
Let's so some writing today! Can you write a letter to yourself to open in 5 years time? Write everything about yourself and then you can see how much you've changed over 5 years. Why not include:
- Date, age, class
- What's going on in the world right now?
- Your favourite TV programme
- Your favourite film
- Your favourite song
- Your best friends
- What you'd like to achieve over the next 5 years
Day 2 -
Hello everyone! Miss Martin was telling me all about your World Book Day last year where all the teachers dressed as characters from Elmer and it gave me an idea. Let's make our very own Elmer today! If you don't have spare milk cartons, why not make another animal? Have a root around your recycling bin and see what you can create. I can't wait to see what you make!
Day 1 -
Good morning everyone! We're into our second week now so I'm guessing the boredom may be beginning to set in! So let's make it fun a play a game today! Miss Martin challenged me to a game of noughts and crosses. Can you challenge someone in your house to a round of it? Why not make a 3D version? Can you make your own version? E.g Cats and Dogs or Sweets and Cake. I would also really appreciate some instructions on how to play because I want to make sure that Miss Martin isn't cheating!

Week 1
Day 5 -
Let's make the most out of the sun while we can! Can you do some shadow drawings using your toys or other objects you can find around the house? You can then colour them in or make a collage.
Day 4 -
I've been listening to some of Miss Martin's old records! If you were in a band, what would you be called? Can you design your own album cover? Can you write your band's first song?
P.S - If you've recently subscribed to Disney+, there's a film all about flamingos called The Crimson Wing! Go check it out.
Day 3 -
While everything feels a little dark and scary at the moment, I thought it would be nice to focus on the amazing colours! Can you go on a colour hunt around your home? Challenge: If you collect lots of objects of the same colour, you could use them to make a rainbow picture!

Day 2 -
Miss Martin was in need of her nails doing so I offered to help. I chose flamingo pink of course! Can you come up with your own nail designs? If you don't have any nail varnish, simply draw around your hand and use felt tips.

Day 1 -
Hi Oak Class, Miss Martin came to collect me from school this morning. I was reading your favourite book! Can you read your favourite book from home and write a book review to persuade me to read it?