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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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British Values Awards

In our weekly celebration assemblies, Mr Cooper will choose one child to receive the 'British Values Award'. That child gets a British Values card to keep! Can you collect all 5 cards by the time you finish at Westwood? 



- I contribute to the school council.

- I take into account the opinions of others before making a decision.

- I respect the importance of a group decision.


Rules of law

- I put my hand up instead of calling out.

- I ask before taking something.

- I wait for instructions before doing something.

- I walk around school quietly.

- I listen to others.

- I show good manners towards others.



- I make positive contributions in lessons.

- I show kindness to others

- I show an understanding of other children's beliefs, attitudes, faiths and differences.


Individual Liberty

- I make positive choices which contribute to the school and community.

- I complete my homework.

- I represent the school. 


Mutual Respect

- I respect other people's opinions.

- I respect the school environment.

- I allow all children to learn.

- I am kind, helpful and sensitive to others.

Autumn 2


Week 1 - Frankie Simpson - rule of law - for being ready all the time and always following the class rules. Well done Frankie!


Week 2 - Reenie Downing - tolerance - for being more confident to work in a group, offer contributions and take into account other people's ideas. Well done Reenie!


Week 3 - Joel Miller - tolerance - for being really respectful and mature when talking about emotional and serious content in RSHE this week. Well done Joel!


Week 4 - Mia Berry - mutual respect - for always respecting other people's decisions and opinions and being really thoughtful and mature with any decision Mia makes. Well done Mia!


Week 5 - Kai Armitage - tolerance - for coming back to school after self-isolation for a very long time and acting as if he has never been gone! Well done Kai!


Week 6 - Alfie Beanland - mutual respect - for great effort and enthusiasm when working with the Leeds United coaches this week. Well done Alfie.

Spring 1

We haven't done British Values cards this half term as we have been working from home - we have however done shoutouts for children who have been following the British Values at home and following the rule of law, being respectful and tolerant and ensuring everyone can complete their work. Well done everyone listed below!! 
















Spring 2


Week 1 (12th March) - Amber Kenyon - for showing great resilience and determination to work so hard back in school this week. She never lets anything get her down and always keeps going no matter what! Well done Amber!


Week 2 (19th March) - Kadie Leigh McBurney - Rule of Law - for always doing the right thing first time and trying her best. Well done Kadie-Leigh!


Week 3 (26th March) - Lucy Sutcliffe - Tolerance - for trying really hard and being really patient and resilient during home learning this week, even when she's not been feeling 100%. Well done Lucy!


Week 4 (1st April) - Casey-Marie - Tolerance - for being fantastically adaptable in your first 2 weeks at Westwood. You were with our class for 20 minutes before we had to isolate for a week and you had to move classes and you've come back to our class now we have returned and you've seamlessly come back to it! Well done Casey! 

Summer 1


Week 1 - Individual Liberty for Lola Burke - for being a fantastic role model and always taking on responsibility for her own learning. Well done Lola! 


Week 2 - Mutual Respect for Lillie Conlon - Lillie has become much more independent in her work and is always respectful when working as part of a group and when Mr Cooper is teaching to allow others to learn. Well done Lillie!


Week 3 - Tolerance for Klaudia Jurek - Klaudia always gets on with it no matter what! We got sent home half way through this week and she was ready to go with online learning straightaway on Thursday morning and so tolerant to the whole situation! Well done Klaudia! 


Week 4 - Mutual Respect for Ronnie Eardley - Ronnie always does his absolute best and ensures he is being respectful to the work of everyone else in class. Well done Ronnie! 


Week 5 - Democracy for Harriet Rooke - Harriet was fantastic when working with her group and challenged with the tricky task of creating a successful lever and pulley in DT this week. Well done Harriet! 


Week 6  - Rule of Law for Emily Folkes - Emily is always doing the right thing, first time and always allows other children to learn. Well done Emily!! 

Summer 2


Week 1 - Oliver Keeligan - Mutual respect - Oliver is just constantly doing as he should be and being really respectful to the other children in the class and allowing them to learn. Well done Oliver! 


Week 2 - 


Week 3 -


Week 4 


Week 5 - 


Week 6  - 


Week 7 -