Friday 15th January 2021
Friday 15th January
Good morning! It's Friday - we've made it to the end of another week of home learning (we're all getting really good at this haha). Below is the work for today.
Guided Reading (10.30am)
Today, we're going to start looking at one of my favourite books of all time in Guided Reading! It's a relatively new book and is called 'The Accidental Prime Minister' by Tom Mclaughlin. The book is about a boy called Joe - can you guess what happens to him based on the title? Today, we're going to start reading this book and begin with a visualisation activity. During the live lesson, I'll read you an extract from the book and your task is to draw the characters based on the descriptions you hear about them. I've recorded myself below already too and put some pictures of the character descriptions for you to draw that character for me.
Adventure (anytime)
With everything that is going on in the world at the minute, today, I'd like us to take some time to just reflect on everything that's happening and how it's making us feel. On the link below, I've attached a Youtube video to a Mindmate lesson which I have recorded. You need to follow through the video and at certain points, I say to pause the video. At these points, pause it and have a chat with someone at home or write your answers down on a piece of paper. I've also attached some of the worksheets the guys in school are doing which go with this lesson.
Maths (9.15am)
This lesson, we're going to think about word problems and getting the information out of the problems to write out the calculations. We'll then continue to practice the column method to work out the answers to our word problems. I'll model how to unpick a word problem in the live lesson, and then attached below are some for children to have a go at. Please lay them out like I have done on the picture below.