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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Welcome back, we are all looking forward to our new adventure to find Finn. We are a school of fish exploring the ocean, but one of our friends goes missing and we need to find him.

The Little Mermaid - Under the Sea (Official Video)

Our class song for the half term.

This weeks British Values Award winner is Ruby who won the Mutual Respect  Card!


Spellings with be given out on every alternate Friday. children will be sent home with a list of spellings to learn. They will then have their first test on the following Thursday and a second test the week after, where they will try to beat their score. 



Homework will be given out every Friday to be to returned the following Thursday. Children will receive two pieces of homework; one maths piece and one creative piece based on the current adventure. 


Times Tables

Each Thursday the year 2 children will have a times tables test. They will then find out which times tables they will need to learn for the following week. For more information on times tables and practice test go to Key information> Curriculum> Times Tables.



Children will be given a new reading book to take home each Friday which needs to be read and returned the following Thursday. Please ensure you write a comment in your child's reading record so we know when the book has been read.

We have teamed up with Mulberry class to share our written work.

We had a great time hunting round school, solving the clues on the Easter Egg Hunt.

We had a brilliant time at the Science Fair. We looked round all the exibitions and carried out our own experiments of mixing vinigar and baking soda to make carbon dioxide.

We really enjoyed sharing our work with Mulberry class.

Some of the fun from Roald Dahl Day

Some of the fun from our winter craft day!

The day the Panto came to Westwood.

10 to 9 - It's BAGLE TIME!

We had a great time at the Valentine disco

The whole school had a fantastic board games afternoon as a reward for reaching our goal for attendence.