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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Summer 1

Rainforest Rumble!

On Monday afternoon we came back inside from our dinner to find an Orangutan in our classroom. He was hanging in the shared area with a picture of a bulldozer. He was shy at first so we went away to think about some questions to ask him. 


Just before home time, he came to sit in our classroom and we asked him some of the questions that we had thought of!

On Wednesday morning, we arrived at school to find a mess on our carpet. The Orangutan had been playing with the lego and train track on our carpet. We knew it was him because he had also drawn a picture of himself on the whiteboard and written his name. We now know that he is called Clyde. 


We want Clyde to stay at our school but we were worried that Miss Dibnah might not let him stay  because he has been leaving a mess! We decided to do some writing to let her know that he doesn't have a home anymore because the bulldozers chopped down his trees. Have a look below to see some fabulous examples of our writing.

On Thursday we came into school to find some pictures that Clyde had taken of himself playing with different toys and objects which rhymed. W then decided to have a go at playing a rhyming pairs game that Clyde had left for us. This was quite tricky for some of us! 

Maybe you could practice spotting rhyming words in your story books at Bedtime?

On Monday, we arrived at school to find that Clyde had drawn us a picture and put it by the map. It said 'home' with a tree and a sad face next to it. To cheer him up, we decided that we will go to the rainforest together! This then lead on to us having a discussion about what we would need to take with us. We came up with lots of great ideas! Have a look at some of our writing below.

Then we had a look at where England and Borneo are on a World map to see how close they were. We labelled where each one was and then had a think of how we could travel there.

We then had a think about how we could get to the Rainforest. Some of the ideas that we came up with were by plane, helicopter, cruise ship, sailing boat, scooter, bike and jet pack. Have a look at the children's illustrations of these.

On Thursday it was time to board the plane to travel to Borneo. We grabbed our passports and boarding cards and headed to security. Once we were in the air it was a bit bumpy with all the turbulence, luckily for us we were distracted by an in flight movie. Once we landed in the rainforest, we wandered around to see what was there. The children were great at using their imaginations for this! We saw lots of leaves, monkey's, fish and birds. It started to rain so it was a good job we packed our coats. After our adventure, it was time to get back on the plane. It was a very sleepy flight back to school.

Later in the day, Peter the Rainforest Ranger came to visit us! He was so happy to hear that we had found Clyde and were looking after him. However, he was now missing more animals. He brought 2 missing posters with him and asked us if we could try and find Terry the Toucan and Paula the Python. 

As Terry the Toucan likes fruit, we decided to do some fruit tasting! We tried some fruits that we never had before. Some of these fruits included passion fruit, melon, peaches and kiwi's. We looked at the fruit and compared their tastes and textures considering which Terry would like best. We loved the fruit so much, everyone wanted seconds! After the tasting we all did some writing about which fruit we thought Terry would like best.

Next it was time for a trip to Middleton Park to see if Terry would come out of hiding for some fruit! 

We found the tallest tree in the park and put the fruit there for Terry. We didn't see him when we were there but we think we heard him!

This morning we received an email from Peter the Rainforest Ranger! He said that Terry must have loved the fruit we left him as he had arrived back in the rainforest still eating it! We were so happy Terry is home but now we ned to concentrate on finding Paula the Python. 


Phoebe had a good idea that we should put up posters to help look for her. So, we all set to work creating our posters ready to put up around school.

We arrived at school today to find that Clyde had taken a selfie with Paula the Python. He must have found some of her favourite spots in our classroom! He captured her under the vets table, on top of the craft table, behind the bin and in between the tyres. We then decided that if Clyde could find her, then so could we!


We set off on a hunt to find Paula the Python...

On Monday morning, we arrived to a big mess that Clyde had made again! Mrs Burke wasn't happy and said that he had to go!


We tried to come up with some ideas for where else he could live....


At first we thought he could go and live outside but what if he got back into school again and made a big mess?

Then we thought about places where other animals were looked after and thought of Chester Zoo and Yorkshire Wildlife Park!

Miss Lindsay went to ring them to see what they'd say.

Yorkshire Wildlife Park said that they'd consider it but they needed to know what to provide for him!


Here are some of our ideas that the children wrote down.