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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Important Information

PE is on Tuesday

Reception children will have PE every Tuesday morning. Children should come to school wearing PE kits which consists of black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms, white round neck tshirt and emerald green hoodie with all black trainers.

Singing is on Friday

Children will take part in singing lessons every Friday afternoon with a specialist music teacher. 

Good work, star of the week and British value awards will be given out every Friday!

In the first term reception children will have their own award celebration and receive certificates for their achievement every Friday. After half term children will celebrate this in celebration assembly in the hall every Friday. 

Team points 

Every child is in a house team. Children are awarded team points when they make good choices. The team with the most points at the end of the week takes a treat home with them. 



House Teams