Hello Everyone. If you are stuck at home (like me!) and looking for some ideas of what to do, I will be putting up new activities for you to try each day. Have fun and remember to ask an adult for help.
From Miss Jones.
Hello Everyone,
I hope you; your families and your friends are all well. I just wanted to let you all know about the extra lessons that have just been launched on BBC Bitesize, called "Daily Lessons". It looks like it could help cement previous learning and provide a good structure if you wish to supplement any Purple Mash and work from our class page. It also includes weekly wellbeing lessons. All the information can be found at the website below and is well worth a look.
Take care and look after yourself and each other,
Missing you all
Miss Jones
Happy Easter boys and girls

Welcome to Cherry's class page! We hope you are ready for an exciting year in Cherry Class. We will be going on all sorts of adventures throughout the year, our first took us on a journey in a yellow submarine with Seb the Spider. Our next adventure took us back in time with Ted. Then we headed in to Outer Space helping Neil Armstrong to catch the naughty aliens. Now we are off into Wonderland! We will need to find many different ingredients to make a potion and meet lots of familiar characters for Alice in Wonderland on the way.
We all really enjoyed our Attendance reward of a Lego afternoon. We also got to play with the trains and play dough.
We had lots of fun performing our Christmas play to our friends and family.

Jack and the Beanstalk came to Westwood. . We all laughed so muchand had a fantastic time.

We all had a Spooktacular time at the Halloween Disco.

We had a fantastic time with the African Drums
Tilly's and Bethany's art was chosen for the Art Gallery

Spellings with be given out on every alternate Friday. Children will be sent home with a list of spellings to learn. They will then have their first test on the following Thursday and a second test the week after, where they will try to beat their score.
Homework will be given out every Friday to be to returned the following Thursday. Children in Year 1 will receive one piece of homework, alternating between mathas and creative. Children in Year 2 will receive two pieces of homework; one maths piece and one creative piece based on the current adventure.
Times Tables
Each Thursday children in Year 2 will have a times tables test. They will then find out which times tables they will need to learn for the following week. For more information on times tables and practice test go to Key information> Curriculum> Times Tables.
Children will be given a new reading book to take home each Friday which needs to be read and returned the following Thursday. Please ensure you write a comment in your child's reading record so we know when the book has been read.