British Values Awards
Autumn 1
Week 1 (Friday 10th September) - Millie B for Tolerance - Millie has had a great first week in Year 5 and has worked fantastically in a group. Well done Millie!
Week 2 (Friday 17th September) - Austen for Individual Liberty - For showing real resilience and determination when doing difficult weaving in DT this week. Well done Austen!
Week 3 (Friday 24th September) - Izak for Individual Liberty - Izak has been practicing his times table lots this week on Times Table Rockstars at home. Well done Izak!
Week 4 (Friday 1st October) - Charlie for Mutual Respect - Charlie is just such a polite and kind member of the class who always uses wonderful manners and is very mature and respectful. Well done Charlie!
Week 5 (Friday 8th October) - Ronnie for Rule of Law - Ronnie is always ready to learn and doing the right thing. He tries his absolute best in everything and has been fantastic this week! Well done Ronnie!
Week 6 (Friday 15th October) - Erin for Rule of Law - For being a fantastic role model, always doing the right thing first time and following all of the rules. Well done Erin!
Week 7 (Friday 22nd October) - Momodou for Individual Liberty - For going home and doing so much extra practice of everything we’ve done in school - SPAG, spellings, maths, times tables! Well done Momodou!
Autumn 2
Week 1 (Thursday 4th November) - Erin for Individual Liberty - Erin was given quite a big part in our production earlier this week and in the space of 2 days she has gone home, highlighted all of her lines and learnt most of them already! Well done Erin!
Week 2 (Friday 12th November) - Summer for Tolerance - Summer prefers to work alone but this week she's been fantastic and tolerant and has worked wonderfully as part of a group in Guided Reading. Well done Summer!
Week 3 (Friday 19th November) - Imogen for Tolerance - Imogen has really tolerated mine and Mrs Wilson's pestering these last few weeks about her spelling and handwriting and it's really worked! Well done Imogen!
Week 4 (Friday 26th November) - Mia for Democracy - we’ve been working lots in groups this week and Mia has been a fantastic group member, taking every bodies ideas into account and being a fantastic team player. Well done Mia!
Week 5 (Friday 3rd December) - Myles for Individual Liberty - Myles has been going out of school on a Friday with Mr McKitrick and all I’ve got back is lovely, positive comments about Myles for how well he represents Westwood outside of school. Well done Myles!
Week 6 (Friday 10th December) - Riley S for Democracy - Riley worked really well as part of a group this week when we got the laptops out and made fantastic posters about the history of the Olympics. Well done Riley!
Week 7 (Friday 17th December) - Peter for Tolerance - Peter showed real determination and patience earlier this week when creating quite intricate and difficult Christmas Cards. Well done Peter!
Spring 1
Week 1 () - No British Value due to Robinwood
Week 2 (Friday 14th January) - Charlie for Individual Liberty - last week at Robinwood, Charlie was excellent! He pushed himself out of his comfort zone, showed lots of resilience and gave every activity a go even though he was a bit nervous. Well done Charlie!
Week 3 (Friday 21st January) - Mason for Individual Liberty - Mason only got 14 on his 7 times table test last week but this week he got 30! He's definitely been practicing at home and its showing. Well done Mason!
Week 4 (Friday 28th January) - Momodou for Individual Liberty - Momodou has been doing so much additional work at home including practicing his methods in maths, doing more research about our Adventure and writing texts independently. Well done Momodou!
Week 5 (Friday 4th February) - Charlie for Tolerance - Charlie has been working really hard on his handwriting this week and has tolerated me and Mrs Wilson moaning at him all week! Well done Charlie
Week 6 (Friday 11th February) - Summer for Democracy - Summer has been working really well in a group this week as part of our maths problem solving activities. Well done Summer!
Week 7 (Friday 18th February) - Lilly M for Individual Liberty - Lilly has been doing lots of extra work at home and lots of extra research and practicing maths. Mum was really proud of the extra work she has been doing at home at the Parents Evening this week and so are we! Well done Lilly!
Spring 2
Week 1 - Rule of Law - Callum Leadbitter - Callum has followed all the rules and expectations within the class and school and been incredibly helpful to Miss Brown and Mrs Burke as they both get used to teaching Oak Class.
Week 2 - Tolerance - Riley Smith- Riley has worked really hard on his patience this week. He has tried to calm his emotions and focused more clearly on his work. Well done.
Week 3 - Tolerance - Ruby Chapman - Ruby has faced a few challenges this week with a very positive and grown up attitude. We are all very proud!
Week 4 - Rule of Law - Millie Burrows - Millie is a mini teaching assistant. Always eager to help and follow rules and expectations and support others in achieving their goals.
Week 5 - Democracy - Freya Ward- Freya has worked very hard on her own goals this week. She has found her own coping strategies for stressful situations and understand that everyone is entitled to choice.
Summer 1
Week 1: Tilly Iddison for mutual respect. Tilly is such a patient, calm and friendly member of the class and always treats other members of the class with respect by listening to their ideas and accepting help from others.
Summer 2
Week 1 (10th June) - Harriet for Tolerance - Harriet was quite scared on Wednesday when we were climbing the lighthouse. But, she showed great resilience, determination and tolerance and went all the way to the top and managed to come back down too. Well done Harriet!
Week 2 (17th June) - Alfie for Individual Liberty - I've been really impressed with Alfie's resilience and determination when learning his times tables this week. He has done extra work during lessons and at home to help him prepare for this week's MTC. Well done Alfie!
Week 3 (24th June) - Jack for Rule of Law - Jack is always ready to learn and doing the right thing all of the time. He is an absolute credit to the class and a pleasure to teach! Well done Jack.
Week 4 (1st July) - Summer for Democracy - Summer was great at working in a group this week when we completed our protect the coast challenge in geography. Well done Summer!
Week 5 (8th July) - Joel for Tolerance - Joel loves number maths where he can do a column method quickly and get his answer. But this week, we've been looking at shapes and translations where he hasn't got the answer straight away. Joel has shown real perseverance and tolerance to keep going with this which he has found tricker. Well done Joel.
Week 6 (15th July) - Elsie-May for Mutual Respect - Elsie-May was fantastic on Sports Day yesterday encouraging other members of her team and supporting them all of the time! Well done Elsie-May.
Week 7 ()