Lower KS2 - Euromazing
In Lower Key Stage Two, they came back after the summer with Brexit still ongoing and tensions rising so they decided to take matters into their own hands! They wanted to make sure that everyone in Europe stays friends no matter what the outcome may be. They planned to visit different countries in Europe where they would learn about their cultures, geography, history and traditions.
The first place on their adventure was London. They imagineered being on an open top bus in London and went around class finding all the main attractions.
They then went to Ireland, Wales and Scotland and noticed common theme about the countries in the UK. They all had their own mythical stories: George and the Dragon, the Loch Ness Monster, The Red Dragon and Giants Causeway. Inspired by these great stories, they decided to create our very own dragons! They did a build-a-dragon lesson where they stopped at different stations to build our own dragons and used adjectives to describe them. Then they wrote their very own dragon description using lots of adjectives.
After that they travelled to France and visited the Louvre where they saw many famous paintings by different artists! They then had a look at some work by Picasso. He painted some very funny pictures and they drew a picture of themselves in the style of Picasso.
Next they wrote a persuasive leaflet persuading adults to bring their children on a holiday to France as we were having such a fantastic time! They thought that all children should visit there too. To help them, they looked at lots of different leaflets to get some ideas.
The next stop was Italy. Before they packed their bags, they wanted think about whether this was a good idea or not. So they completed a Burn2Learn where they thought of everything that England has, that Italy has and what they both have. This was then turned into a balanced argument.
All that arguing made them hungry! They wanted to try some of the Italian food. They designed their perfect pizza and then worked carefully to prepare the meal. They wrote instructions and completed a Burn2Learn to order the steps and then add fronted adverbials in the correct places.
After that, they evaluated the creations and thought about what they would change to make their pizzas even tastier!
Next stop… Poland! As they were in Poland, they learnt a little about Auschwitz. They learnt about how cruel people were to the Jewish community. During guided reading, they learnt about a very famous Jew, Anne Frank. They imagined what it would be like to be told you had pack your most precious items and go into hiding. They had to pack and then the air raid siren sounded and they had to escape! They wrote about their traumatic experience in their very own diaries, just like Anne Frank.
Their final country was Greece! They really enjoyed listening to the Greek music so decided to make Greek instruments. They had to think about what materials to use, how it will work, how to make high and low sounds and how to make loud and quiet sounds with our instrument. They either stuck to the modern colours of blue and white or the ancient colours of orange and black. Then they wanted to sell their fantastic instruments so wrote their very own persuasive adverts using contractions to keep it short and snappy.