Class Rewards
Good work
02.11.20- Bentley Hughes- For an excellent conversation between Lalchand and Chulak!
19.10.20- Jayden Rice- For fantastic progression with his HFW.
05.10.20- Erin Frosdick- For excellent innovation with her homework (creating Stonehenge)
28.09.20- Millie Bond- Fantastic effort in Maths this week.
21.09.20- Peter Folkes- For writing a fantastic cave art story and sticking to the structure throughout!
14.09.20- Momodou Drammeh- For beautiful presentation and detail in his labelling of a Stone Age house at Skara Brae.
British values
Izak Fofana- Democracy- Allowing his partner to take a role he wanted also.
Troy Lupton- Individual liberty- Showing a positive attitude after hearing some bad news.
Ryle Mcvittie- Individual liberty- For battling through a tough week and showing great determination.
Tyler- Wynne- Democracy- For being a extremely kind and caring member of Elder class.
Jack Kavanagh- Rule of law card- For having exceptional behaviour in the classroom.
Riley Smith- Individual liberty card- Having the confidence to challenge himself and use the writing centre for the very first time.