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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Spring 1

Week 1:

We started the week by looking at zero and what zero looks like. We learnt that one less than one is zero and that means there is nothing left. We began to understand that zero is a place holder.


We then moved on to looking at equal and unequal groups and what this means. We learnt how to identify equal and unequal groups and began to problem solve how to create an equal group if it is unequal to start. 

Week 2:

This week in maths we are looking at the part, part whole model and becoming familiar with the vocabulary whole number. We are also looking at using this to help us secure our number bonds to 5 as well as playing number games.

Week 3:

This week we are learning about number six! As with the previous numbers we are exploring the quantity by using objects to sort, share and count out six. We have also revisited using the part, part whole model and are now beginning to use the part, part, part whole model.

Week 4:

This week we are learning about number seven! We have been using ten frames and the part, part whole models to see the visual representation and how seven can be made by adding different amounts together. We are also learning about how to match and make pairs.

Week 5:

This week we are revisiting our learning about capacity. We reminded ourselves what capacity means and the language we use to talk about it. We have also been revisiting finding one more and one less than a given number with numbers 1 to 7. We have used 10 frames to help us with this.

Week 6:

This week we are learning about number eight! As with the previous numbers we are exploring the quantity by using objects to sort, share and count out four. We have been using ten frames to see the visual representation. We have also introduced number tracks and used these for practising counting up to and back down from 8.