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Westwood Primary School

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Spring 2 - In my Garden

In my Garden...

This week we have received a message from superworm telling us that his garden area is to wet and he needs to find somewhere more suitable. We were left with the challenge of finding out facts about worms. We were amazed to find out worms have no eyes or ears. That they eat leaves and mud and they poop little heaps of mud all over the garden. 

In our maths this week we used measure and counting amount to make the perfect pancake mixture. We loved eating them at the end.

Understanding the World -People and Places. 

Superworm told us hes gone to look for the perfect place to live and he has ended up in a hot country called Kenya. We looked on maps of where Kenya is and made comparisons between Kenya and England. 


"The trees look different." - Helius


"There Is a zebra there." - Darcie


" it looks very hot, the road is all dusty." - Zac

Our writing

We wrote to tell the other garden creatures where Superworm had gone. Some of us even wrote a sentence to let them know what Kenya is like.

Surprise fruit!

We were really excited to find a basket of fruit and a story on the carpet when we arrived at school. We decided the fruit must of come from Kenya. We listened to the story 'Handa's Surprise'. We explored the fruit and discussed the name of each piece of fruit and found out who had already tried it. 

Tasting the fruit

Likes and Dislikes

We talked about everyone having different preferences and some times we like the taste of something that someone else doesn't like the taste of. We tried the different fruit, the lime made us pull funny faces.

"its very sour." -Isla-Rose

"I like the kiwi the best." -Ava

"The orange is very sweet!"-Evelyn

Parental involvement- Science Fair!

Red word splat!