Which kind of dinosaur would you be?

Todays sound is 'a' 'a-a-apple'. Watch the video below and try and spot the things that begin with 'a'. Can you write any words that begin with 'a' on a whiteboard or with felt tips.
Remember it is 'round the apple and down the leaf'. Can you hunt for things around the house beginning with 'a'.

This week we have been investigating the number 9. Can you start off by doing 9 jumps with your mum, dad, brother or sister. Can you do 9 claps? Be careful you don't do too many or too little.
Using lego, duplo or mega blocks can you pick two colours with 5 blocks for each colour. Can you make a tower of 9 bricks using the two colours? How many bricks of each colour will you use to make 9?
Can you draw me a picture of your blocks? How many different arrangements can you make of the blocks? Can you make a pyramid of 9 or a row or even a tall tower?