Week 5 Activities
DAY 1 - Science
Have a go at these cool weather science experiments!
DAY 2 - Art
Can you go outside and see what different things you can find to make an art picture? It could be twigs, sticks, rocks, leaves...whatever you can find! What are you going to make with them, an animal, or a home? Whatever you want!
DAY 3 - Makaton
I hope you all can remember your makaton! Can you practise your makaton on your family? See if they can guess what each sign means. Why not have a go at practising Roar in makaton!
DAY 4 - Maths
We started to look at 3D shapes in our maths lessons. I was wondering how many you can remember! Can you go on a 3D shape hunt around your house, what is in the shape of a cube, or a sphere? Write down your findings!
DAY 5 - Writing
Could you write about what you are most looking forward to doing once we are out of lockdown? I think I am most excited about seeing all of my friends and family!