Important information
Start and finish times
The reception school day begins at 8:45 am. This allows for parents with siblings in other classes to be able to drop their younger child off first and get around to the other classroom door. The school day finishes at 3:15pm , so that parents can collect them first before collecting siblings at 3:20pm.
PE will be on a Tuesday morning this year. Children will need a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps. They will keep their PE kit on their pegs for each half term and this will be sent home at the end of each half term for washing.
What to bring to school
Your child should come to school each day with the following;
- coat
- book bag
- bag containing a spare change of clothes and underwear. (we can get very messy in reception!)
- a water bottle with their name on
It would also be great if your child could have;
- a labelled pair of wellies
- a puddle suit (waterproof overall)
As we love to explore outside whatever the weather!
Reading books
Children will be given a reading book and reading record book. These will be changed every Friday. Children need to return these back into school by a Wednesday so these can be read with the children and ready to change and give back out on a Friday.
Reception classes school dinner order form links
w/c 15.11.21 Order form
w/c 22.11.21 Order here
w/c 29.11.21 Order here
w/c 6.12.21 Order here
w/c 13.12.21 Order here
w/c 03.01.22 Order here
w/c 10.01.22 Order here
w/c 17.01.22 Order form
w/c 24.01.22 Order here
w/c 31.01.22 Order here
w/c 07.02.22 Order here
w/c 14.02.22 Order here