Adventure 1: Changes Through the Ages
After embarking on our adventure, we have suddenly gone back and time and are now in the Stone Age! We have started to realise that life was very different back then....
Our Stonehenge research - we found out lots!
We wanted to investigate what life was like in the Stone Age. We found out that lots of evidence can be found hidden in the ground after it has been thrown away. We compared two bins of rubbish - one from the modern day and one from the Stone Age to compare what the things we throw away can tell us.
We labelled some of the things that we found.
Our fantastic cave art!
We tried some Stone Age food....
We then created our own Stone Age menu!
For our McMillan bake sale, we created our own Stone Age rocky road!
Our Changes Through the Ages Banquet
In order to celebrate the finale of our adventure, we hosted our own 'Changes Through the Ages Banquet'. Each class in Lower KS2 prepared and cooked their own meal from either the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age.
It was great to see so many parents come and share this fantastic meal!
Burying our Time Capsule
After learning about how important it is to preserve evidence, we decided to bury our own time capsule filled with information about ourselves and common everyday objects. This will help people in the future learn about what our lives were like back in 2018!