Happy Thursday!
Car Numbers
(Resources: paper, pen, toy cars)
Can you practise your numbers by counting the dots in the car parking spaces and driving the right number car to the correct space? You could use animals and make a zoo if you don’t have cars at home. Or anything you like! Can you record a video so I can see you having a go at this activity. Have fun!

Car parking

Paper plate dinosaur
(Resources: paper plate or paper, scissors, paint or colours, toilet roll, black pen or pencil)
Can you have a go at making your own tyrannosaurus drip? You can do him any colour you like and make him as cute or scary as you like! All you need to do is follow these instructions.
- Paint or colour in half the paper plate or paper.
- Cut the paper plate in half.
- Paint the toilet paper rolls.
- Cut two slits about an inch deep into the toilet paper rolls. This is a great way for your child to practice the first step of learning to use scissor, snipping.
- Slide paper plate into slits.
- Paint or colour some paper the same colour as your dinosaur.
- Cut out a dinosaur head and tail.
- Glue on head and tail.
- Draw eye on head.
- Pinch pom pom in a clothes pen.
- Dip the Pom Pom in paint and put spots on the dinosaur or you could use your fingers!
Don’t forget to send in your finished Tyrannosaurus drip!!

Writing your name
(Resources: paper, pencil and colouring pencils)
Can you have a go at writing your name? What I’d like you to do is draw a stegosaurus and put the same amount of spikes on top as the letters in your name. So my name is Mrs Gray and I have 7 letters in my name. So I’ve drawn 7 spikes on my stegosaurus. Can you pinch your pencil at the tip like we do in school? Then when you’ve practised writing your name, you can colour in your dinosaur.
(Making marks on the paper is brilliant at this age and most children aren’t at the stage of forming letters. Just getting your child to hold the pencil and make marks is amazing.)
Mark making

Story time