Friday 5th March
Today we are continuing with time. We are going to be converting minutes into seconds and hours into minutes. Using the knowledge we already have about this alongside our times table knowledge, we will be able to work out what a large number of minutes is in seconds. Remember, there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. Together, during the live lesson, we will carry out the let's learn and you will then do the guided practice and workbook independently.
Guided reading:
We are going to answer some comprehension questions about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so far. We have currently read up to chapter 4, therefore the questions are based around these chapters. You can use the text to help you. Please make sure you answer the questions in full sentences, I want to be able to work out what the questions was from your answer.
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3;
Chapter 4;
Today we are going to be finishing off our non-chronological report. You should now have written an introduction, where chocolate comes from and how chocolate is made paragraph. Now we need to include 1 final factual paragraph that you have learnt about in your adventure lessons and also a summary paragraph to finish off. I would like you to use adjectives to describe chocolate in order to make the reader want to find out more about this amazing discovery.