This term, in Science, we have been learning about the circulatory system and how it works.
In one activity, where we learned about how blood carried oxygen around the body, we made a massive model of the body by designating different areas of the classroom as parts of the body: heart, lungs and the body. Carrying a two sided piece of paper (one side red to represent oxygenated blood, and one side blue to represent deoxygenated blood) we moved around the classroom changing our paper over at the appropriate locations.
Next, we did an experiment to find the exercise which would best get our hearts beating.
After choosing several forms of exercise to test, we took our resting pulse rate, performed the exercise and recorded the change in pulse rate.
Finally we wrote up our investigation including the prediction we made before attempting it and our conclusions.
As well as exercise, we looked at several other ways to stay healthy.
Using these ideas, we designed posters to educate other people on how to stay healthy.