Handwriting Practice

I will be delivering a live phonics lesson at 10.30 for all children to attend. Please have a pen and paper ready for the spelling part of the session.
Please also complete daily spellings, handwriting and any extra phonics games from the phonics game tab on cherry remote learning page.
This week's spellings:
Please practice spellings at home for a short time each day.
Today the children are adding groups together through word problems. For example, there is 5 groups and in each group is 2 people. In order to add them altogether, you multiply 5 by 2, 2 groups of 5 = 10. This is early opportunity for the children to understand multiplication and the fact it is repeated adding of the same amount.
Writing - 1pm live lesson
This week, our writing is going to be based on the story below 'Ms Mole I'm Home'.
Mr. Mole is ready to be home after a long day at work, only he loses his glasses and has to burrow home blind. He burrows into many different habitats, declaring that he his home, and finding out he arrived at the wrong location.
Today I would like the children to rewrite the story and include their own locations where Mr Mole will pop up! Below is the start of the story already written, I would like the children to continue on and finish the story. I would love to see how creative the children can be - where will Mr Mole pop up in your story?!
Morris the Mole couldn't find his glasses anywhere but he said "I must know my way home by now!" and so off he burrowed. Up he popped in.....
Make sure you include capital letters, full stops, 'and', adjectives and beautiful handwriting that is neat and formed correctly.
Adventure - Geography
I would like you to create your own treasure map of an Island. You need to include an 'x' to mark the spot of the treasure, you also need to include lots of different areas such as rivers/lakes, woodlands, beaches, mountains etc. It is completely up to you what your Island looks like.