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Westwood Primary School

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Writing & Editing

Writing & Editing


We love to write in Oak Class and always write some great imaginative pieces throughout our adventures. Check back on this page to keep up to date with our writing! 

We also like to edit our work to make sure that we continually think about improving our writing so keep a look out for our edit lessons too. 

Making our own thunderstorm music to write our thunderstorm setting description

Sorting past and present tense sentences to turn Benjamin Franklin's journal into a diary

Personal pronoun sorting for our artist biography

Diary of the Trojan War using Fronted Adverbials

Character Description of a Greek Mythical Creature using Adjectives

Setting Description of Athens using Expanded Noun Phrases

Short Edit Lesson - We had to work together to put the sentences into the correct paragraphs. We then made our own suitable sub-headings.