We need to go to space but there is a problem. No one knows how to drive our rocket! We wrote an advert to see who was up for the job.
Now it is time to think of some good interview questions to ask our possible new captains! We thought about what a question was to begin with and played a fun game where if we thought it was a question we ran to one side of the classroom and if it wasn't, then we went to the other! We then wrote our questions remembering to use a question mark!
It was time to pack for our space adventure! We found different things around the classroom and packed them as a class. We then wrote a recount of the things we packed and why we chose them.
We had lots of fun in our editing lesson. We looked at capital letters. First we wrote a checklist of where they belong. We then played a fun matching game where we had to sort the lower case letter to the capital letter.
We finally landed on Planet X and were met with quite the surprise! The pesky aliens had covered it in traps so we could barely move! We wrote a description about everything we could see, starting off with labeling the picture with ad many adjectives as we could think of!
Oh no! Over on Planet Cross the silly aliens had made a mess of all of the medical equipment so we couldn't use it to help Neil Armstrong! We had a look at all of the medical supplies and wrote a super description about what we saw.