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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Dinosaur egg hunt

(Resources: eggs drawn on pieces of paper or creme eggs or mini eggs, pens, paper, scissors)

The children will absolutely love this activity. All you need to do is get some mini eggs or creme eggs and pretend they are dinosaur eggs. If you would rather use paper and cut out dinosaur egg shapes it works just as well! 

Get whichever eggs you decide to use and hide them around your garden or living room or wherever you like. Then give your child a bowl or a bucket and they have to go and find the eggs. You could write numbers onto the eggs to help with number recognition or you could count the eggs as your child puts them into the basket. Any talk of numbers is brilliant. Can you talk to your children about positional language, so is that egg under the bush? Is the egg on top of the table, is the egg next to the tree? Can you see what different words your children use then when they have found all of them can you give them instructions to hide the egg in the box or under the garden seat. 

Have a go and see what you get up to, it's loads of fun. 

Finding eggs

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Pencil control

(Resources: Pencil, paper, printer if you have one)


In this activity I would like you to have a go at your pencil control and holding your pencil correctly. Can you use a tripod grip like we've practised in school and have a go at tracing the different shapes and lines on the worksheet below. If you have a printer, you could print out this worksheet and have a go. Good luck, I'd love to see what you get up to. 

Dinosaur Dig story!

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