It's Friday!
I hope you've all had a lovely week and are busy doing some of the activities myself and Mrs Kitching have set for you.
Today I have something very exciting for you.....
When I was outside at school, I found something hiding behind the bushes. Watch the video below to find out more.
What's in the egg?

What do you think is inside the egg?
Where do you think the egg came from?
Have you got any ideas about who laid the egg? It is a very big egg, isn't it?
Have a talk to your grown ups about the egg and have a go at answering these questions. If you think of an animal that could be inside it, can you tell your grown up about that animal. Is it big, small, scary, friendly, happy, sad, spiky, soft?
(We have lots of chats and conversations in Nursery to broaden our language and to improve our speech on a daily basis. We love talking about lots of different things and it is even more exciting when we find a HUGE egg in the playground! Let me know what you come up with on tapestry or the class email!)
Christmas recording
(Resources: phone or ipad)
I know Christmas has already been and I really hope you had a lovely time and got some amazing toys to play with! Can you record a short video on your adult's phone or iPad and upload it to tapestry or send it to the class email address:
Tell me what you did on Christmas day, what you got in your stockings from Father Christmas, what you had for your lunch and if you watched anything good on TV!
I can't wait to hear all about your days.

(Resources needed: card/paper, sellotape or glue)
Can you have a go at making a cone trumpet to try and wake the dinosaur up using a piece of paper or card? Make loud and soft sounds through the cone. Can you make a wail of a siren, fog horn, a peep of a bird, hiss, keep everyone quiet, moo, steam train, bee, clock etc. Can you have a think of your own sounds you could make to try and wake the dinosaur up?
Let me know if you manage to wake him up and next week we can check to see if the egg has hatched. Fingers crossed!

10 little dinosaurs and Hello!!