Tuesday 9th February
Tuesday 9th February
2.30pm today - we'll be having an Internet Safety Assembly. Please log in as I will be going through lots of important information with the children, as well as introducing a competition which Mrs Oates is running across Key Stage 2.
Me and Mrs Wilson will be beginning the wellbeing calls today. We are both working from home today so look out for a call from a NO CALLER ID number at some point in between live lessons today - I'll continue with them tomorrow if we don't speak to you today!
Guided Reading - live on Teams at 10.30am
Today's Revolting Rhyme is Cinderella! Again, you might think this is going to be quite sweet and innocent - but Roald Dahl got his hands on it so we're not too sure. In the live lesson, we'll read the poem (it's quite a long one this) and then we'll read the story version of Cinderella. I'd like the children to think about what is similar and what is different between the 2 texts and write them in the table as below. Then, they need to decide which version of the story is their favourite and why!
Geography - anytime
Now you have researched landmarks and famous spots for both physical and human geography, we can now begin to compare them. First, go through the PowerPoint below and then fill in the sheet for similarities and differences between them both. There are some ideas below to help guide your thinking.

Spelling and Handwriting - anytime
Follow the link below.
Science - anytime
I'd like you to follow the link below to complete the Oak National Academy lesson about bones to see what you can remember from what we did earlier this half term.
Find the lesson here:
Writing - live on Teams at 1pm
Today, we're going to think about our text for this week - this week we are going to write a discussion about whether life is better in the UK or the USA and why. To start with, watch the video below which tells you a little bit more what a discussion text is. The lady in the video talks about the discussion of school uniform. Below, you can find 2 discussion texts. I need you to read the texts and answer the questions about them - write the answer to the question in the second box and in the end box, prove it! Give an example from the text to back up your idea about that feature of a discussion text.
On Purple Mash, you have a 2do to have a go at where you need to design an internet safety leaflet for Mrs Oates. You can find this in your Purple Mash 2do list as well as an internet safety quiz. Email me if you need your login.
Maths - live on Teams at 9.15am
My group are today going to continue looking at bar modelling to help us when solving problems. You can watch the video below if you missed the live lesson or need a reminder to show Mr Cooper doing one. Then, have a go at the workbook pages below.