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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Good Work

Autumn 1


Oscar T

Oscar has smashed his maths work this week and has been totally independent. In his last maths lesson, he got every single question right all by himself! Great work Oscar.



Arida has blown me away this week with her character description of a Greek God. She used all of her spag correctly and was so creative with her ideas. 



Leo has been trying so hard with his reading this week. He has brought his books back both times and has really been working on his fluency. 



Olly created the most amazing theatre mask for his performance of a myth! He really took his time on it and I loved the emotions shown on his face!



Joey produced an amazing piece of writing about why boys had a more superior education in Ancient Greece. He was really convincing and even used Year 5 objectives in his work!



Harley has been working really hard in music to appraise ABBA's music. He is always dancing and singing along beautifully!


Oak Class!

All of Oak class was awarded good work this week due to their performance of Mamma Mia on the glocks. They have been working so hard all half term and put on an incredible performance in the last assembly in front of the other classes. 


Autumn 2.



George worked so hard on his writing this week. He really focussed on how he wanted his handwriting to look and I loved how his advert turned out. 



Sam made a great veggie rosti in his DT lesson. He worked really hard to make sure it was yummy and even asked for a recipe to take home!



Airida has smashed her solo in the school nativity and I am so proud as I know it will have taken a lot of hard work to remember all of the lines!



George has been working so hard on perfecting his handwriting and this week his work looked incredible. I am so proud of all of the effort he put in to making it perfect. 



Mutiat has been working really hard in History this week and has taken such care with her presentation of democracy in Ancient Greece.



Oliver has blown me away with his knowledge of the Roman numerals. Well done Oliver!


Spring 1



Wyatt was great this week with his science work. He was the only child who could make the light bulb light up by completing a circuit!


Spring 2



Lyla got all of her arithmetic questions correct in Maths and I was so impressed with her. Well done Lyla!



Harley produced an amazing piece of work on Julius Casear. I was so impressed with it and how he had used so many greater depth SPAG. 



Blake worked so hard this week on his writing, which was an advert all about joining the Roman army. He used lots of greater depth targets and his handwriting was beautiful as usual!



Rosie worked so hard in art and produced an amazing piece of clay with a slip join. Well done!



Oscar has blown me away with his maths work this week. We have been adding fractions which has been a bit tricky but not for Oscar! He has smashed his work and I am in awe of him!


Summer 1



Paul produced an amazing piece of writing this week all about the Romans. I was so impressed with how much he improved every day!