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'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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27th November

Phonics lesson video below - 'ee'

Red Word Game - 

Can you ask a parent to hide these words around the house and go for a red word hunt? 

Red words:








Once you have found all the red words, can you practice writing them in your neatest handwriting?


I would like the children to write a postcard to the polar bears telling them all about Leeds and inviting them to stay in our zoo. They will need to include details about the weather, what there is to do and what to pack in their suitcase.


The children must include capital letters, full stops and the connective 'and' in their writing. It would also be brilliant if they could use adjectives to make their writing more interesting and creative. The children need to use their fred fingers to sound out words when trying to spell independently. Their spellings may not always be correct but this is okay if they have sounded it out.


e.g. Middleton park has luscious green grass to play on. You can visit Elland road football stadium and watch an exciting football game. 


I would like the children to explore different ways of representing one number. They may choose a number between 10 and 20, then have a go at putting that number into each method of representation - tens frame, part part whole, 1 more 1 less, number sentences and number patterns.


Once you have completed the work with 1 number, you may do it again with another numbers (maybe 1 even and 1 odd).


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