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Westwood Primary School

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KS1: Up, Up And Away

In classes Blossom, Cherry and Chestnut, their adventure (Up, Up and Away) led them to a new friend: Parker the Plane. At the start of our adventure they met Parker the plane. Parker had lots of fears about flying, he asked his Grandad Jeff the Jet for help. Jeff said he had lots of friends who Parker could meet and help him not to worry!


Parker told Jeff about his first worry, flying over water. Jeff sent him down to meet Boris the boat at the harbour. The classes ‘imagineered’ what it would be like to have been on the boat in the storm. Boris told Parker all about how to stay safe in water and calmed his nerves. The children therefore decided to thank Boris for all of his help by making him a friend to sail with. They first wrote instructions including adverbs to help Parker make a boat before designing the boat they would make and labelling the materials they would use.

Grandad Jeff told Parker about his next friend that could help with Parker’s worry of going fast. He gave the children a flyer for The Magic Train Ride with Troy the Train. Parker had so much fun on the magic train that he wanted everyone to have a go. The children made posters to stick up in the airport.

They had such a fantastic experienced on the Magic Train Ride they decided to tell everyone back at the airport what they saw and how amazing it was. They also created their own imaginary lands, exploring them through the use of Imagineering, and wrote a description of what they experienced.

The children then met Mabel the motorbike who was sent to us by Grandad Jeff. She had a special talent of being amazing at balancing. Parker was worried about staying balanced in the sky, especially when it was windy. They then drew a map of the race track and added a key.

The children then went outside and created a race track for Mabel and Parker to practice balancing on. They made sure there were lots of tests for Parker, like balancing on his wheels whilst jumping through hoops and jumping over ramps. Finally, the children wrote instructions including commands for others to follow when using their race tracks.

Parker then met Bruce and they went on a trip following Bruce’s bus route. Along the way they passed different things. Near the end of the route they became stuck as a tree had fallen in the road. They acted out and made freeze frames to show each part of the route. The children in Blossom then wrote recounts of what they had seen whilst on the bus journey. In Chestnut, they wrote a recount of the fallen tree incident including suffixes -ful and -less.

The next week saw Parker telling Grandad Jeff that he was worried about travelling with a plane full of passengers as he didn’t know how to keep them safe. Grandad Jeff sent him to meet Cassie the Car, who is owned by Mrs Armitage and her family, who is confident at taking passengers safely. Cassie taught Parker all about safety and Parker then reported back to Grandad Jeff what he has learnt. The children wrote descriptions in Blossom about parts of different modes of transport. Then all the children designed new cars with magical powers to keep their passengers safe. In Chestnut, they focused on using apostrophes for possession to describe the new cars.

Towards the end of the adventure, Parker was beginning to feel confident so took off for his flight using all of the children’s help and advice. When up in the sky, the children imagineered what they may have seen from the plane. In Cherry class, they wrote setting descriptions using adjectives of what could be seen from the plane. In Chestnut, they drew what they imagineered before writing about it using expanded noun phrases.