Today we are going to be thinking about the way dragons look or their appearance. Below I have a picture of two different dragons and they both have different looks or expressions on their face. I want you to think of some words to describe them. Are they happy? Angry? Sad?
Can you draw a picture of the two dragons and label them with these words by sounding them out.
More than and fewer than numbers to 10
Today we are going to be thinking about numbers that are more than and fewer than numbers to 10. Please watch the video below and then play the games with dominoes.
More than and fewer than
Maths activity
ay - may I play
Green words set 2
Making a Dragon Mask
Why not have a go at making your own dragon mask like the one below. Think about what colour you would like your dragon to be and then add some extra features to your paper plate. Will he have fire coming out of his mouth? Will he have golden skin?