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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Activities During Closure

Stuck at home?

Tired of playing Fortnite?

Missing your daily dose of Maths, SPAG and Reading?


Click on the links below and you'll find some of the work we would have done in class as well as some handy revision guides and tips.


In 'Other Activities', you can also find other things to do at home including ideas for PE and Art activities.


Starting from 20.4.20 BBC Bitesize are starting daily lessons for you to have a go at. They are sorted by year group so you can make sure you're doing work that is an appropriate level.


Here are some links to pages that offer activities every week and different celebrities that are doing their bit to bring a bit of fun and learning:


9.00am - PE with Joe Wicks
10.00am - Maths with Carol Vorderman
11.00am - English with David Walliams
12.00pm - Lunch (cooking with Jamie Oliver)…/category/get-kids-cooking/
1.00pm - Music with Myleene Klass
1.30pm - Dance with Darcey Bussel…/status/1241098264373592065
2.00pm - History with Dan Snow (free for 30-days)


Non-daily events include:
Science with Professor Brian Cox, Robin Ince & Guests
9.30am Wednesday 25 March - Geography with Steve Backshall…/status/1242058846941712385

Every weekday at 5pm Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio eto draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing: Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems!