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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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snow day

It's a 'fun in the  snow' kind of day!

Doesn't the white snow make everywhere look pretty?  Get wrapped up warm this morning and go out to explore the snow and have lots of fun.   We are looking forward to seeing photos of  you enjoying the snow.  Can you build a snowman, make footprints in the snow, make snowballs to throw, maybe use a shovel  and help to clear a path to your door?  Whatever you do have fun and please post pictures on here or send them to

Nursery children loved the snow!

Early phonics


Please have a look at the phonics section which we have started so that you can help your child as they begin their phonics journey.   It is important  that your child has somewhere quiet to listen to the sounds and words and to look at the picture cards.    

Please keep returning to the picture cards daily if possible and supporting your child to say the words they see.  Thank you very much. 

Have a go at drawing patterns using lines, straight line sand curved lines. You could swap colours as you go. It would look great!  Have a go and remember to share with us what you do. 

Mark making lines and circles

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