Dinosaur Art
Below you can see the skeletons of different types of dinosaurs. For this project you will need some Q-tips, some glue and a piece of dark paper or card. Think about which dinosaur skeleton you want to make and have a look at the fossil pictures for inspiration. Can you make the bones from Q-tips in the same shape as your dinosaur?
Dino Art
Who has more?
If you want an extra challenge with your number. Try saying how many more are in the largest group. For example if you have 5 and Mummy only has 3 how many more have you got? It is very tricky so don't worry if you get a little bit muddled.
Phonics - L and l
Today we will be exploring the sound 'l'. What can you find around the house that begins with 'l'? Can you make L the capital letter name for 'l' using play dough. Don't forget to practise your red and green words below as well.
Red Words
Green words 1.4
Literacy - A bucketful of Sounds
Today I would like you to find a bucket or container from some where in the house. Draw and cut up the sounds 'm, a, s , d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f. Put them in the bucket, close your eyes and pick out three sounds. Can you make a word with these sounds? Keep 'a, i and u' to the side to use in the middle of words as these are vowels and often found in the middle of our CVC or CCVC words. Sound out and say the words you create. Most importantly have lots of fun!