Monday 22nd February
Maths -
We are moving on to a new topic in maths today, We are looking at addition and subtraction word problems. Remember, when we add our number gets bigger and when we take away our number gets smaller. The first thing to think about is what the question is asking you, is it a subtraction question or an addition question. Then, you need to work out what number goes where.
Writing -
It is time for a new adventure! Hopefully you will have already listened to the story "The Day The Crayons Quit", if you haven't, it is on the main page for you to hear. Listen to the part of the story below, red crayon has had ENOUGH and decided to quit and on holiday. We can't do any colouring without red crayon...we need him to come home! Lets write a letter to red crayon, asking him to come home.
Things to include -
To / From
What we want (him to come home)
Why do we want him to come home (help us colour in)
What reasons do we have for him to come home (We won't make him colour as often as he is)
Your learning objective today is to use a question mark. A question mark is used when we ask a question and it replaces a full stop. So, it still goes at the end of your sentence. You could use a question in your work like this "Please will you come home red crayon?" or you could say "Are you missing us now you're on holiday?" Give it a try!
Red Crayons Story
Spellings -
DT -
Today we are going to be looking at junk modelling. This is where you get objectives from your recycling bin, cereal boxes, milk bottles and lids, crisp packets, and make something out of it. We are going to make an animal today that you would find in Europe. So it could be a cow, horse, dog, cat, there is lots of options! The only catch is....the animal has to be red as it is red crayons week this week! Have a look at the pictures below for inspiration.