Autumn 1
Jaxon is our first Star of the Week. He has started the term with a fantastic attitude and has given everything a go! I can't wait to see you grow and progress over the next year - keep it up!
BooBoo is Star of the Week. She has contributed so many fantastic ideas to every lesson and produced some brilliant work! Keep up the great level of engagement!
Hollie is an absolute pleasure to have in my classroom. She is engaged with every lesson and produces beautiful work. Not only this, but she is also kind and caring towards her classmates - what a superstar!
Hilary gave a fantastic performance as Pandora in our Greek myth this week. We were all so impressed with her commitment to the role - star of the show!
Sienna has really impressed me this week with her hard work and determination in all lessons! She challenges herself in all her work and it pays off! Keep it up!
Ellie-May could be Star of the Week every week. She is always on task and always give her absolute best to every piece of work she completes. Well done, Ellie!
Jake was so engaged on our school trip to the Synagogue this week. I was so impressed with his manners and attitude - well done!