Spring 2: Tim Peake Needs you!
In Writing, we have written biographies about our scientist this half term - Tim Peake. We learnt about his childhood and how he became an astronaut. Our writing has been brilliant as we have been using all our writing skills we have learnt so far.

In RE, we have learnt about Jewish codes of living. The children learnt about Tikkum Olam - the Jewish view that we must care for our world. We labelled a broken world with solutions to solve the world’s problems before we wrote a speech about how to make small changes in our life following Tikkum Olam.

In Art, we have begun printing in the style of Hokusai in our new sketchbooks. Today we focussed on relief printing and mono printing. We had to carve a design into foil and plasticine before pressing it onto the paper.

We have had a PE workshop with Huntley Rugby Foundation. We did rugby and worked together as a team.

In History, we have been learning about Tudor food. We have used secondary sources to research Tudor food before having a go at tasting different food: marzipan, turkey, cheese and vegetable broth.

In RE, we have created our own symbols which represent an organisation which is dedicated to world peace, such as the EU, Christian Aid and Islamic Relief. We described the meaning behind our symbol using key vocabulary.

In writing, we have written letters to Tim Peake to try and persuade him to take us with him on his next space mission. We used loads of our writing features throughout the piece: modal verbs, relative clauses, adverbs of possibility and parenthesis.

In RE this week, we had a discussion where we had to argue whether we agreed or disagreed with the following statement:
”It is better to follow the rules than do what you think is right”

