In year 6, the children wrote some fantastic pieces to inform. They wrote a set of instructions on how to make a water wheel, a biography of David Attenborough., a report on the journey of a river and a letter to Boris Johnson on the importance of stopping pollution.

In year 5, the children completed a range of 'inform' pieces of writing. Ranging from instructions to a biography about David Attenborough!

In year 3/4, the children wrote a letter and a diary entry.

The children in year 3 wrote a letter and a recount.

In year 2, the children wrote a set of instructions for how to make a scarf for a giraffe and a fantastic report on a range of animals found at the zoo.

In years 1 and 2, the children wrote a recount, letter and report.

In year 1, the children wrote a recount and a set of directions.

In KS1, the children wrote recounts of things they encountered in their adventure, along with a report on how to safely cross the road.
In Cherry class, they wrote a range of instructions: directing people past landmarks as they travelled on Bruce the bus, how to follow safety procedures on a plane and how to correctly cross a road safely.
They also wrote a diary entry and wrote a recount of a journey they went on.
In Chestnut class, after tasting some different cakes, the children wrote a set of instructions for how to make one.

In Elder class, the children wrote diary entries of their journey back in time!

The children in Oak also wrote diary entries to document events from their Stone age adventure!